1.Both of these points suggest that China will remain a fair-dealing member of the WTO out of self-interest.
2.The response has been a new bribery bill designed to update our antiquated legislation- ensure British industry's fair dealing.
3.The legacy of forty years of "property talk" is a endless war between intractable positions of ownership, theft and fair dealing.
4.Zhejiang Tate Rubber Co. , Ltd. is a Sino-German joint venture, the company is committed to customer first, integrity and fair dealing.
5.When a patent ambiguity exists, the court will look to the parties for good faith and fair dealing.
6.All companies should comply with the market principle of fair dealing and follow its laws irrespective of their size, wealth and stature.
7.Fair dealing for the purposes listed below are specific defences to a breach of copyright.
8.In carrying out their obligations under this Agreement the Parties will act in accordance with good faith and in a spirit of fair dealing.
9.The necessity of good faith and honest, fair dealing is the very life and spirit of the commercial world.
10.This is toe-curling stuff for the great investor, who prides himself on fair-dealing and likes to stake out the moral high ground.